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Re: Sylvia
I think Sylvia is a beautiful name, though I prefer Sylvie at the moment. I'm surprised Sylvia hasn't gotten more popular. It seems of a piece with other popular names at the moment. I think there are two ways to go with Sylvia. You can play up its sort of seriousness:
Sylvia Jane
Sylvia Eleanor
Sylvia Louise
Sylvia Mary
Sylvia Frances
Sylvia Helen
Sylvia Margaret
Sylvia Charlotteor you can play up its flowy-ness
Sylvia Laurel
Sylvia Madeleine
Sylvia Margot
Sylvia Violet
Sylvia Rosalind
Sylvia Camille
Sylvia Beatrice
Sylvia Emmeline

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I particularly like your suggestions of Margaret and Margot.I'm not a huge fan of Sylvia; I think the 'lv' combination reminds me of names like Elvira. I do like it rather better when spelled "Silvia" - that spelling looks lighter somehow.On the positive side, Sylvia makes me think of the forest (sylvan), elves (probably because of the "lv" sound), sprites (sylph) and silver.
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