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Re: Choose one - my favorite Hebrew names :)
Have you looked at the popularity charts for Noa? I can't say this is traditionally speaking a maculine name. It's unisex at best. And just look at Noah (, even THAT has been used as a feminine name in the Old Testament.
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Yes, I've looked at the charts. They are what I was referring to. The blue line shown in Noah(2) is boy usage. First charted for girls in 2014, so it definitely trendy rather than something with traditional use in this country.

This message was edited 1/9/2019, 4:14 PM

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Maybe I was a bit unclear. I meant that Noa is really more popular for girls in most countries. Noah, I agree, gives of a more masculine vibe bc of its usage for boys, even though it strictly speaking isn't (acc. to the entry of Noah(2)). Noa without an -h can hardly be described as a masculine name turned feminine. Noa isn't even listed as a variant of Noah(1) and I thought the conversation was about Noa not Noah.
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