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Thoughts on Mamie?I think it's kind of cute, on someone else's kid. Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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I kind of like it but I don’t know what it would be a nickname for.
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Only I would think of this, but I think of how it started out as a nickname for Mary and how Abraham Lincoln's granddaughter Mary was called Mamie. That makes me kind of, sort of, halfway like it. At any rate, I prefer it to Mary.
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It makes me think of someone's grandmother and Scarlett O'Hara's nanny.
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I've never encountered it anywhere but naming sites. It strikes me as strange, because it reminds me of nothing but Mammy.But I guess it's similar to Mimi and Mae? I think those are cute, for other people.

This message was edited 12/29/2018, 10:06 AM

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I adore it as a nickname.
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It's very frumpy and sounds like a house servant. Mamie and Bessie and Hattie.
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I really don't like it. It makes me think of mammary glands.
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I don't like it at all, it's one of the few names I really can't see the attraction of.
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I think Mamie is really cute! I've recently started to like it
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I feel like I should like it, but all I can hear is ’maim’, which puts me off. Maybe if I heard it on an actual person.
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Hi!It sounds like something a kid would call their grandma.
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