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Heard this name today, and I thought it was weird. Thoughts? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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now that I think about it ...It really sounds like a particularly disgusting brand of fake butter. The kind that is nothing more than something greasy to put on bread but doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything connected with butter.
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haha you have quite the imagination! But yeah, it does sound like a brand of fake butter. lol
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I don't hate it, but it seems garish.
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Yeah, it's weird. Sounds like a kitschy brand of margarine.
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I agree, it does sound weird, but I kind of like it for some reason.
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I think it's ugly as sin.
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It's awful, cartoonishly awful. Margibelle would make a good name for a character in an old-time Blondie cartoon or something.
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I'm trying to picture it on someone, and it seems like the first image I get is of some girl on a farm in the midwestern US.
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It's weird.
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Did you literally hear it? And was the -g- as in ghost or as in ginger? I'm not sure which is worse! Certainly it comes across as a failed attempt at originality, or a mistaken attempt to honour Margery and Isabelle.
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It's so quaint. Like a period costume. Gingham and eyelet on a grown woman.

Maybe Marjibel would seem nicer today?
... nah, I guess it'd only seem ironic.
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Oy vey. I'm sorry to any Margibelles out there, but your name is so sugary it could give me cavities. Also worth noting: it's... ugly.
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