Heard this name today, and I thought it was weird. Thoughts?
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now that I think about it ...
It really sounds like a particularly disgusting brand of fake butter. The kind that is nothing more than something greasy to put on bread but doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything connected with butter.
It really sounds like a particularly disgusting brand of fake butter. The kind that is nothing more than something greasy to put on bread but doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything connected with butter.
haha you have quite the imagination! But yeah, it does sound like a brand of fake butter. lol
I don't hate it, but it seems garish.
Yeah, it's weird. Sounds like a kitschy brand of margarine.
I agree, it does sound weird, but I kind of like it for some reason.
I think it's ugly as sin.
It's awful, cartoonishly awful. Margibelle would make a good name for a character in an old-time Blondie cartoon or something.
I'm trying to picture it on someone, and it seems like the first image I get is of some girl on a farm in the midwestern US.
It's weird.
Oy vey. I'm sorry to any Margibelles out there, but your name is so sugary it could give me cavities. Also worth noting: it's... ugly.