Hi !!!
Miriana is the Italian form of Miriam.
In 2016 were born 75 Miriana.
It is considered rare but in Italy every name out of the Top30 is perceived as it.
Infact the Top30 is the 45% of all masculine and the 39% of all feminine names used that year.
Currently my favourite combo is:
Miriana Sole (mee-RYA-na SAW-lay - Sole is 'sun,Sun'.
I also like
Miriana Luce (LOO-che 'light')
Miriana Gea (JEH-a)
Miriana Tosca
Miriana Eva
Miriana Cloe (KLAW-e)
Miriana Celia (CHE-lya)
Miriana Vita (VEE-ta 'life')
Miriana Flavia
Miriana Ester
Any idea with foreign names?
Personal Name Lists https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/125456
Miriana is the Italian form of Miriam.
In 2016 were born 75 Miriana.
It is considered rare but in Italy every name out of the Top30 is perceived as it.
Infact the Top30 is the 45% of all masculine and the 39% of all feminine names used that year.
Currently my favourite combo is:
Miriana Sole (mee-RYA-na SAW-lay - Sole is 'sun,Sun'.
I also like
Miriana Luce (LOO-che 'light')
Miriana Gea (JEH-a)
Miriana Tosca
Miriana Eva
Miriana Cloe (KLAW-e)
Miriana Celia (CHE-lya)
Miriana Vita (VEE-ta 'life')
Miriana Flavia
Miriana Ester
Any idea with foreign names?
Personal Name Lists https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/125456