Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)
in reply to a message by Perrine
My non-anglicized favorites are Ruaidhri, Oisin, and Ronan for boys, and Siobhan, Fionnuala and Rioghnach for girls. I like some Welsh names too, like Arianrhod, Angharad and Gwydion. I also love a lot of the anglicized derivatives, like Finn, Deirdre and Maeve. Guinevere has been my favorite for about ten years.
The problem with Creirwy, like a lot of Welsh and Celtic names, is the pronunciation. Besides that issue I like it a lot. I feel the struggle, I would love to use Oisin and Ruaidhri but correcting people every single time I tell people their name would just be an enormous pain.

The problem with Creirwy, like a lot of Welsh and Celtic names, is the pronunciation. Besides that issue I like it a lot. I feel the struggle, I would love to use Oisin and Ruaidhri but correcting people every single time I tell people their name would just be an enormous pain.