Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)
Hi Perrine !!!It is the first time I hear Creirwy and It is so tender that I will add It to my PNL immediately.I have a specific list for Celtic names: latest I added is Siofra, a beautiful name suggested by Pie when I asked for Titania. It was the first time that I hear It. Among my evergreen I have: Eithne / Enya, Saoirse, Fenella, Gaël, Maël, Taliesin, Douglas.Currently I adore Gwyn and Teague.
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Creirwy and Celtic names :)  ·  Perrine  ·  10/29/2018, 2:31 PM
Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)  ·  Pie  ·  10/30/2018, 12:21 PM
Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)  ·  HailCthulhu  ·  10/30/2018, 8:33 AM
Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)  ·  Janan  ·  10/30/2018, 4:55 AM
Re: Creirwy and Celtic names :)  ·  Felie  ·  10/29/2018, 3:35 PM
Nice list (m)  ·  Janan  ·  10/30/2018, 4:56 AM
Oh! That's wonderful! Nt  ·  Felie  ·  10/30/2018, 6:25 AM