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And another thing
Could have been better phrased ... oh well. Is it true that Americans use or used to use 'fanny' to mean the body part on which one sits, rather than the body part through which females pee and have sex and babies? That's the UK usage, or was, and we mostly use UK here though US usage is moving in fast. Dick is pretty universal, I think, and so perhaps are Willie and Rod. DH Lawrence used 'John Thomas' in the same way, but I've never heard it IRL.
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Absolutely true. You hear it less today, but sometimes.
side rant-lette. I so dislike the team "butt", referring to the human buttock(s). It's an animal part! As at the butchers. One buys a piece of pork butt.
One sits on one's bum. Or feels that your new jeans make your bum look big.
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I've actually never heard rod used as a slang word for penis.
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Yes, "fanny" in the US refers to the behind, butt, bottom, ass, whatever you call it. In my experience, it tends to be something older women say because they think saying "butt" is crass. Same sort of people who say "tinkle" instead of "pee."

This message was edited 8/10/2018, 2:37 AM

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