So, this name has been thrown around on here a few times, and I like it, especially the herbal association. It'd also be a nice alternative to Bethany or Brittany. WDYT? What would you pair Betony with, combo-wise?~~~~~A real girl isn't perfect, and a perfect girl isn't real. ~Harry StylesPNLs:

This message was edited 6/23/2018, 4:29 PM

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I adore Betony! It's so sprightly.Some of my favorites combos are Betony Louisa, Betony Cecilia, Betony Irene, Betony Adele, Betony Susanna, Betony Georgina, Betony Virginia, and Betony Matilda.
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Sounds like the name of a posh British girl.
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It isn’t really my taste. It makes me think of Bethany and botany colliding in dark corridor. Betony Avril
Betony Frances
Betony Calanthe
Betony Jane
Betony Irene
Betony Drew
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I think it sounds like Bethany with a weird accent, and that's exactly why I don't like it. I remember once getting a wrong-number phone call and the person, in a very abrupt, harsh voice, demanded to speak to somebody named Anthony, and they said it so it sounded like "Wurr's Ant-nee?" So Betony just sounds like that same person wanting to talk to Bethany.
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I love Betony!My favorite combos with it are Betony Estelle, Betony Winifred, and as a middle name, Anna Betony.
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All three combos are sweet, especially Betony Estelle.
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