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Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
It sounds like the name of a king in a fantasy novel.
Algernon is one of my absolute favorite names. I gave it to my cat, whom I fondly call Algy.
It's dashing, roguish, and delightfully obsolete.
It's dashing, roguish, and delightfully obsolete.
Algernon is a WONDERFUL name for a cat. It's stuffy but endearing all at once.
I just wouldn't pick it for a human.
I just wouldn't pick it for a human.
I think it's cute in a kinda stuffy way. Algie makes a cute nickname too.
This message was edited 6/4/2018, 9:54 AM
It's one of those names I like when I see it in Victorian cemeteries, but can't imagine on a real person. Although maybe Algy would grow on me, heh.
My parents have a black cat with a white 'moustache' who perhaps should have been an Algernon, given its meaning. It would make a good pet name.
My parents have a black cat with a white 'moustache' who perhaps should have been an Algernon, given its meaning. It would make a good pet name.
It's a book.
There have been plays based on it but the original material is a book.
This message was edited 6/4/2018, 8:10 AM
If you’re interested, the movie “Charly” was based on it. It’s a pretty good film. Worth seeing.
I'd like it for a really whiskery dog, maybe a Schnauzer. Definitely not human, though.
It sounds very dated and pretentious, what I'd name a pet but not a child.
There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just not my style. It is dignified, substantive, and complex, which are all things I like in names. The meaning is absurd but not necessarily negative, so I don’t think it ruins the name. Also, the name does make me think of the book “Flowers for Algernon,” but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, despite the story’s tragic nature.
This message was edited 6/3/2018, 9:18 PM
It's not a bad name, but I find it difficult to pronounce.
I think of algorithms, for whatever reason. I love math so not terrible, but for a person? Also, while not every name I like had the best meaning, "having a mustache" is nothing I'd take seriously. I have issues with mustaches though.
Is that what the name means? I never looked it up. Meanings don't, well, mean much to me, but that is funny. Seems appropriate.
This message was edited 6/3/2018, 9:02 PM
Let's give him flowers.
Actually, it sounds like a 12-step program for people with allergies. Or else for people who claim allergies they don't have.
Actually, it sounds like a 12-step program for people with allergies. Or else for people who claim allergies they don't have.
Archibald would ...
He at least goes by Archie in his everyday life. All poor wimpy Algernon can go by is Algie, which is slimy green stuff on the sides of the swimming pool.
He at least goes by Archie in his everyday life. All poor wimpy Algernon can go by is Algie, which is slimy green stuff on the sides of the swimming pool.
It’s pretty unweildly, but not the worst. I do like the book, but it’s got some pretty sad parts.