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I was rather surprised to find out that British children are still being named Bessie, but it's true - take this child actress from ITV's "Victoria" - wouldn't know that from either BTN or BNABBT boards, but it says something about the demos of the posters at BTN and BNABBT too
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I'm all for using older nn names as full names, I mean why not? They have far more substance to them than a lot of the modern names people are choosing for their children, particularly girls. Bessie is super cute imo. I also like/love Elsie, Betsy, Nellie, Ruthie, Maggie, Rosie, Evie, Edie, Sadie, Beth, Maisie / Maisy and so on.
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BNABBTBtw, I didn’t know BNABBT was even still around? It always struck me as kind of a ‘name purist’ site in a way that BtN doesn’t.
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I really like the name Bessie as a nickname for Elizabeth. It’s cute, uncommon, and old fashioned. As a full name, however, it seems insubstantial to me.
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As a Brit, I'm not surprised, it's very much a trend here.I know/know of girls (all aged 10 or under) named Betsy, Dolly, Nellie, Betty, Dotty, and Flossie. And these are the given names.It's not a new thing either, there are girls at my school (age range of 13-18) named Elsie, Bess, and Minnie.
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Is this more of a British trend? In the US all of those are considered nicknames and usually wouldn’t be used as full names. It’s also rare to find them on people under about age 80 or so.
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I think it's very much a British trend.I must admit, some of them I'm not fond of. When the mother of Nellie, first introduced her name, I had to clench my teeth before responding. Nell is beautiful, but Nellie just doesn't do it for me. The only other Nellie I know, is actually over 80!
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I adore Bessie as a nickname. It has so much more character than Ellie!
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Oh it's the BNABBT guy.It doesn't really say anything about our demographics, just about the board's taste-- even the British posters here don't seem to really be into the trend of nicknames as full names.

This message was edited 2/21/2018, 7:20 AM

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Bessie is cute. Much better them some names that are popular today, Elisabeth is nice too.
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It's really fashionable to name your child an older nickname nowadays in the UK. Alfie has been popular (as a full name) for years now.I know one Bessie who is 19. I know a few Betty's and Maisie's who are younger than that.It's just the style right now.
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