
love it! so gently and friendlyi'm a fan of:Florian Basil
Florian Cyril
Florian Edward
Florian Jacob - Florian sounds like a wave and Jacob sounds like a hug
Florian Hugo - ok i can't ever take Hugo seriously on a person ever again because of my family's dog. but there's a lot i like about it still
Florian Jules
Florian Pascal
and wdyt:
Florian August
Florian Drahomir
Florian Gabriel
Florian Lowell
Florin Luka
Florian Noel
Florian Oliver
Florian Silviu
Florian Wesley
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Florian Drahomir is ravishing. Brilliant!I also really like Florian August, Florian Lowell (evocative of an Oxford don), and Florian Silviu.
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It makes me think of artisan ice cream (because of Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour).It also reminds me of things that are stylish to the point that they're overdone...foppish...ostentacious...florid...which is great, if that's what you're looking for.
Here's my top 10 from the list...Florian Bernard
Florian Cosmo
Florian Edgar
Florian Giles
Florian Isaac
Florian Ivo
Florian Pascal
Florian Percival
Florian Silvester
Florian TheoFlorian Bernard is by far my favorite. It's kind of awesome.

This message was edited 2/16/2018, 3:41 PM

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Interesting Thought!I can entirely relate with your comment about "stylish to the point of overdone" - as it is sometimes difficult to relate with baroque music / art due to the degree of ornamentation--a stylistic convention of that day which does not so easily translate into modern conventions. This conventional characteristic manifests ubiquitously, and when we compare our generation with that of the former era - we seem stripped bare. Philosophical thought amidst these differing eras mirrors this comparative notion as well. Interesting thought!
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