Liam and Callum
Are Liam and Callum too similar for brothers? We have a Liam and I love the name Callum “Cal”. Is Callan a better alternative or does it seem too made up? I don’t love Calvin.
I don't think they're too similar. Plenty of people have sibsets with the same ending sounds. The similarity is lessened with the nickname. Plus, it passes what I call the "stress test" - LEE is stressed in Liam and CAL in Calvin.
Nice names, by the way, and I really enjoy the nickname Cal as well!
Nice names, by the way, and I really enjoy the nickname Cal as well!
They're a little matchy, but I think they're fine for brothers, not too similar.
That’s kinda where I’m leaning. I know they are a little close but I just can’t convince myself to take Callum off my list.
Unfortunately, yes I do believe they sound much too similar for a subset. Callan would be a slightly better alternative but I would say keep looking.