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Pronounced NAH-na, not NAN-na. Do you think it works?
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Nana VisitorAn actress.I like but don't think it would work.
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Just sounds like a word for Grandma, and if we set that aside, too cutesy and nickname. So it's simultaneously too old for a little kid and too young for an adult.
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No, it still doesn't work. Still a name for Grandma, plus the filler syllable in so many old songs.
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It’s the same problem I have with Poppy. People call their grandparents this. For me, that rules it out entirely.MAYBE as a nickname for Anne.
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Poppy is very common in Australia for Grandfathers, but surprisingly Poppy for a girl is super popular. I would have thought that it would have been ruled out because of it.
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I think it works in none Western cultures or places where English is not common! Other than that no, unless it is nickname!
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It world work just fine here, and we're a Western culture.
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I was speaking more in a general sense obviously there is going to exceptions!
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