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Re: I think it's a nice feminist statement.
in reply to a message by Aine
Well, if they felt like it was unfeminist to not call her Jr, and/or they mean to try to redefine Jr/Sr as a genderless designation, that's alright with me. They're probably not the only people who think that way about it, so maybe it works. I'm not unfeminist but it's not something I'd do, because it has a little tension with my idea of feminism. For me, it doesn't feel like it can change Jr/Sr as normative male designations. When women adopt traditionally male-gendered affectations, to me it often just seems to affirm a sexist assumption - that only things associated with masculine roles can be normative, good, privileged, empowered, preferable, etc. I guess not all that much in this case since the Jr does have practical function.Btw I like the combo with Olympia, too, it is very cool. And I agree it has a similar vibe to the other names.- mirfak

This message was edited 9/14/2017, 12:51 AM

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