A Chinese young woman named...Felix
Sometimes Chinese people pick English names of the wrong gender, just because they like the sound or meaning.
It seems to be common in manga set in Western cultures, too. I've read a manga written by a Japanese woman but set in Victorian England, in which there were male characters called Esther, Cassandra and some other female name. And a girl called Drew, which was definitely not unisex in Victorian England!
I love the name Felix, though I much prefer it on a man. I usually think masculine names on girls are charming, but not in this scenario.
Yeah, I was a bit surprised when I saw the same show about a year or two ago. To me it's strictly masculine, but she's not the only female Felix I've seen.
I dislike it. It makes me want to take it off my list since this is the second time I've heard of a female Felix.
Was she born in the US, or in China? Chinese people born-in-China who later choose their own western names often make some interesting choices. If she chose it herself, I definitely understand why-- great meaning. I guess overall it's not awful-- there's nothing about the sound that's super masculine Fe like Fiona, Phoebe, -lix like Beatrix and Alix.
Hi !!!
I agree with you!!
I generally dislike this kind of things but there is nothing in the meaning or sound of Felix which is stricly masculine as you said.
It is particular but it sounds shining and elegant on her and youthful too!
The meaning is augural and the sound could work well on a 'she'.
This name surprised me a lot because in this case is lovely!!
I honestly don't know if it is her birth name or her 'western name' but it is great anyway.
I agree with you!!
I generally dislike this kind of things but there is nothing in the meaning or sound of Felix which is stricly masculine as you said.
It is particular but it sounds shining and elegant on her and youthful too!
The meaning is augural and the sound could work well on a 'she'.
This name surprised me a lot because in this case is lovely!!
I honestly don't know if it is her birth name or her 'western name' but it is great anyway.
This message was edited 9/6/2017, 3:00 AM
That's horrible.
I really like Felix for a boy, but I think it's a terrible name for a girl.
This message was edited 9/5/2017, 3:50 PM
I hate it
I like it.