Naomi was on my mind today. What do you think of it?
I like it but not as a baby name. I'm concerned it might be hard to spell.
Never been a big fan. It feels cold and cruel.
I like it! It's not in my top 50, but I like it.
It's not a fave of mine, but it's alright. I prefer other biblical girls names to this one.
I can't gush over it as most here do. It's like....okay, I guess, but nothing special or beautiful to me. When I was a teenager, our cleaning lady was named Naomi, so I always think of her when I see it. It's neither a good nor a bad association. Just thought I'd mention it.
It has always been one of my favorites.
I love the soft sounds, the long O, the biblical connotation, the familiarity without too much popularity. I do know 2 little Naomis and one in her early 20s.