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Thoughts? It's been on my mind lately for some reason. I definitely see how it would fit into that dated, vintage, rustic & clunky\awkward type but I think I like it a bit. I know for a fact that I am NOT a fan of the obvious nn, Bernie.
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I like pronounced BUR-nurd, but that's not the prevailing way in the US. I think if you dislike Bernie it My be out, Bernard seems very formal somehow when pronounced bur-NARD.
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I like it. It's dignified but also cuddly-bear-ish. It's only two syllables so I don't think it needs an nn (the Bernard I know doesn't use one) but Ben & Barney are doable. Bernie always makes me think girl, as I've known a few Bernadettes who went by it.
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I like it, and I don't think it needs a nn. Bernie is awful! If I lived in a German-speaking place, I think I'd prefer Bernd. That said, I pronounce it BERnard, not berNARD, which I can't stand.
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I adore Bernard! It's lovably stern. Bard would be such a romantic nickname.
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