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Re: Sabrina or Serena?
eh...I think a body that can do what hers does is magnificent. I just see strength and power. Venus has a completely different build, even though they're sisters it's like comparing apples to oranges. I agree that her longer limbs appeal more to the current ideal but tbh I wouldn't call either of their bodies 'unfortunate'.
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I agree completely. Her body is powerful and awesome, capable of so much more than just satisfying society's feminine ideals. I can think if a lot of words to describe her body, and unfortunate isn't one of them.
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I Googled some pictures of her. My Lord she is muscular. Most female athletes don't get that muscular, and I don't think the majority of women would want to be that muscular. Her arms look like a man's. I'd like to be fit but I wouldn't want my arms to look like that. I think that must be what Anneza meant.
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