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WDYTO 1. the name (Cheyenne) and 2. the spelling? I just don't like the way Cheyenne looks. So what I'm asking is do you think using a variation such as Shyanne or Sheyenne looks silly?PNL:
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The spelling just looks like some Anne who is shy *laughs* also it just looks cheapened compared to the original. Sorry. Sheyenne manages to look worse
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I'm sure people here have a lot to say on this subject. :) I will say that I find Shyanne sweet in a way, that spelling only, because Shy Anne is quaint and endearing. I do have to force myself to see it that way, though. My first instinct is not that great of Cheyenne as a name or especially of any creative spellings of it.
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I try to avoid using names with S. I don't like the way the S looks, (unless it's a name like Stephanie or Stella, etc)... I like Cheyenne, it's the original spelling. I like Shyanne sounds like a different name, kinda.. and Sheyenne looks silly for sure! ---------Audrey, Martha, Jeanette, Phoebe, Veronica, Jaclyn, Victoria, Clara, Apolonia, Laurette, StephanieAnthony, Damien, Alexander, Valentine, Maximilian, Daniel, Vincent, Matthew, Christopher, Russell, Randall, Nicholas----------------Rate my PNL:
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In the exact same way with C names, ironically!
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It looks very silly. Alternate spellings of word or place names, especially ones that come from other cultures, just seem unintelligent.
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In this case, yes, the spelling does seem silly. Like Shy Anne.
Cheyenne is okay. It's an Indian tribe and a place name, so misspelling it seems doubly silly.There is a Sheyenne River, so technically that spelling would be "correct."
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That spelling looks stupid. How you spell it is the best.

This message was edited 4/1/2017, 3:16 AM

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Cheyenne is fine. I read that many people find it disrespectful towards the tribe to use it as a name. I personally don't agree with this but be prepared for some negative comments. Cheyenne looks pretty to me. I dislike Shyanne and Sheyenne they look silly, in my opinion. They also include the word 'shy'. It is really obvious and sticks out. I think for a shy person it would be particularly hard to have a name that includes this word. I would stick to Cheyenne.
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I personally dislike place names for the most part, also it's the name of a few tribe's of American Indian people so it seems weird to use it as a name unless you were Cheyenne.I super dislike the spelling Shyanne, it literally is the same spelling as "shy Anne" minus the space in the middle. If you are going to use Cheyenne as a name it really should be spelled the way it is.Sheyenne or Sheyanne or Shayenne or Shayanne I still dislike but they are better spellings than Shyanne. Shianne or Shienne are also better than Shyanne. If you really have to go with an alternative spelling then the minimally changed Sheyenne or the super changed Shianne would be one of the spellings you should go for.

This message was edited 4/1/2017, 2:38 AM

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All of a sudden I am wondering if this was an April Fool's Day joke question...
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It wasn't...
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Okay sorry, I get really suspicious on April Fool's day.
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I prefer Cheyenne.My kids have a cousin named Shayenne.
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Cheyenne and Shyanne are different names, in my mind. I like how Cheyenne looks, and I think of it as a place-name (after the Wyoming town) ... it's like Dakota. And I say shy-EN, not shy-AN.Shyanne does look silly, yes, because it looks like "shy Anne." And it forces a yan sound instead of a yen sound.Sheyenne gets rid of both those problems so it's not silly. It's just a little creative.
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Sheyenne is not actually creative ..If you know that there is a Sheyenne River.And I have never heard Cheyenne, the tribe, the city or the name, pronounced as Shy-Enn.
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Shyanne and her sister Tacey? No, really, it's like naming a child Patience or Prudence on the off-chance that she won't have ADD. And all the Joy people I've known have been either gloomy or self-centred. No. Just, no.Cheyenne doesn't happen where I live; I've never seen or heard on one anyway. Long may it last.
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Can you please clarify what you mean by this? Cheyenne is a name derived from the Native American tribe known by the same name. Are you comparing it to virtue names and the like because of the shy- part?

This message was edited 3/31/2017, 11:58 PM

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No; I know perfectly well that it is, among other things, a town in Wyoming. I am certainly comparing it to, not virtue names as much as word names from what you must admit is its startling resemblance to Shy Anne.
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