What do you think of the name Drake? I know it means male duck, but it also means dragon. Anyway, what are your opinions of the name? Does it sound strong and masculine, yet could be cute on a child? We like fairly short and simple names (another name we really like is Lane). The combo would be Drake William, Drake William Provancha. I think it sounds fairly distinguished and is a pretty neat sounding name. Thanks for your honest opinions.
If I have another son, he's going to be named Drake. It's a name I've always loved, and it's rising in popularity so it's not too weird. I've met both boys and adult men by the name Drake and I think it's a fantastic name that has substance and style.
Drake might mean duck, but how often do you ever hear anyone call a male duck a drake? Drake now is a bit close too Draco, but I bet with all the HP fans, Draco might take off as name as well.
Drake might mean duck, but how often do you ever hear anyone call a male duck a drake? Drake now is a bit close too Draco, but I bet with all the HP fans, Draco might take off as name as well.
I think it's one of those names that just sound disgusting, like the name of some kind of fictional male predator. It's aggressive and unattractive to me.

donny draco
I can't get past the duck association. I have never liked the name anyways because I find it a bit on the tacky side.
~~Counting down the days until I go to Spain~~
~~Counting down the days until I go to Spain~~
Speaking of tacky
Drake, in my opinion, seems like the kind of character who would grace the cover of a Harlequin novel. To me it screams "uber-masculine womanizer."
Drake, in my opinion, seems like the kind of character who would grace the cover of a Harlequin novel. To me it screams "uber-masculine womanizer."

This message was edited 3/30/2006, 4:54 PM
I agree!...(m)
I couldn't put it into words quite like you did, but you hit the nail on the head for me! :b

I couldn't put it into words quite like you did, but you hit the nail on the head for me! :b

BTW congrats! :)
Honestly? I think you might have to be a tad careful with this name, as Drake sounds a bit like a character from a ham soap opera, a bit like Dr. Drake Remoray from the spoof soap opera 'Days of Our Lives' in Friends. Although it is kind of cute, it also reminds me of names like Rock and Lance, those type of testosterone-fuelled names.
Hope this helps, although tbh, if you love the name then you will go for it anyway :)
Hope this helps, although tbh, if you love the name then you will go for it anyway :)
To be brutally honest....I love it!
I like it just don't name his brother (if he gets one) Blake.
Drake isnt really my style, but Drake William is a good strong sounding combo that flows well and it looks okay with your surname
Hm, I'm personally not a huge fan of the name but I don't hate it. It's different in a common sort of way (if that makes any sense - I mean, it's not Draco or anything).
Though I do like your combo - Drake William. It fits and flows nicely. Besides, what little boy wouldn't like a name that means dragon? lol even I wouldn't mind a name meaning dragon!
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Though I do like your combo - Drake William. It fits and flows nicely. Besides, what little boy wouldn't like a name that means dragon? lol even I wouldn't mind a name meaning dragon!
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble