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Re: Hilda
To me, the name is strong and feisty, but I have that particular association because my mother has an aunt with this name (in her case it is short for Mathilde) who is just that. She is only 12 years older than my mother, which is because Hilda is the youngest (born in 1950) in a Catholic family of twelve, while my maternal grandmother (her sister) is the eldest (born in 1932).With that said, I saw that you mentioned that you are not particularly fond of given names starting with H-, but yet you find yourself kind of drawn to the name Hilda. Perhaps a solution for your predicament would be choosing a name that doesn't start with H-, but does at least contain -hild-, thus enabling you to call the child Hilda in everyday life? Just like how it was done with my great-aunt. So, how about:Brunhilda (or Brunhilde)
Clothilde (or Clotilde)
Mathilda (or Mathilde)
Swanhilda (or Swanhilde)
TorhildYou can find more feminine names containing -hild- right here:- (main database):*hild*
- (Submitted Names database):*hild*
- (look at the entire page carefully, but the section called "Last Element Forms" is probably the most relevant for you)Alright, that was all - I wish you good luck with finding the right name and/or solution to your situation! :)

"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold." ~ Frodo Baggins
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