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What do you think of Medea? Usable? What are your associations with it?
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It reminds me of Tyler Perry's character Madea.Ignoring the association with Madea, Medea sounds very femme fatale-ish due to the mythological association. I don't think it's usable.

This message was edited 12/18/2016, 2:17 PM

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I think it sounds too like 'm'dear' and I don't think it's usable because I only associate it with infanticide
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Associations: first of all, the Ancient Greek witch who murdered her children in a fit of pique; and secondly the Flanders and Swann seduction song "Have some Madeira, m'deah".Taken together, no, not usable at all!
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Jason's wife in the myth who murdered her children when he left her. I don't think it's usable. I'd go for Amedea instead.
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Very strongly associated with the myth for me. I mean, it's hard to get past the story of someone killing their children. Before I had heard that part of her mythological story, I thought it was really cool-sounding name. I wouldn't say it's useable.
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I really like the sound and the meaning, although I personally wouldn't use it because of the story about her killing her kids (and the character Madea played by Tyler Perry is another potential drawback). That said, I don't think it's worse than Electra, which I've seen used (my brother-in-law has an Aunt Electra).A couple similar sounding names that I like: Amedea and Mattea.

This message was edited 12/17/2016, 6:48 PM

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I think Tyler Perry's Medea ruined it. I mean, the murderous mother thing had really already ruined it, but some people would like it just because of the literary aspect even though she was a totally tragic character. I actually like the name. But yeah, the Perry Medea just killed it. :(
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The myth is a horrible association - I can't imagine anything worse!Other than that, if people weren't familiar with the myth/name they might pronounce it like "media", which I find unattractive. I like Amadea :)
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Jason and Medea.
Medea killed her children to punish Jason, their father.
I wouldn't use it.
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I really like it, the sound especially, and imagery, it has strength to it. I wish I could see it as usable, but the myth's a bit too much, even for me. I'm not too sure how well it would go down in real life, and it might be difficult to justify Medea with the mother killing her children association. But then again most myths are pretty gritty, and I haven't let that stop me yet, so perhaps some day it'll be off the guilty pleasure list. I also Bly like it said Muh-DAY-uh, and prefer the look of the Medeia spelling.

This message was edited 12/17/2016, 9:34 AM

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Those Tyler Perry movies. Though I think it's spelled differently?
I wouldn't use it.
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