New BA
Oakley is numbingly trendy and I've only seen in on girls the past few years. Tennessee is not that much better, but definitely better between the two.
I don't like it. Peter seems so old-fashioned, and it's also a slang word for penis. Oakley reminds me of the sunglasses brand.
I kind of like Tennessee Peter, but I feel like it's a guilty pleasure... I think Oakley is a more sensible choice even though I don't really like it myself
or Ness lol
I don't care for it. I like Oak on its own, though.
Oakley isn't my style although I do like it heaps better than Tennessee. I have to admit, there's almost something about the name that I find attractive. I can understand the appeal.
Tennessee Peter sounds like some old hobo riding the rails.
Oakley just sounds like a big, friendly and clumsy dog.
Oakley just sounds like a big, friendly and clumsy dog.
"Tennessee Peter sounds like some old hobo riding the rails."
Oh my gosh, you are so right!
Oh my gosh, you are so right!
I saw Tennessee Peter just this morning:

I prefer Oakley to Tennessee, but I don't do so with enthusiasm.