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Re: WDYT of 'Tavey'
I've seen Tavis listed as an alternative of Tavish. And the usual meaning I see for Tavish is a Scottish or Irish gaelic form of Thomas meaning twin.I'm skeptical though and don't care about meanings much, so don't quote me on it. I have no idea.
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Tavis and TavishTavish comes from Tavis by way of the Scottish Clan MacTamhais, or anglicized phonetically MacTavish. The founder of the Clan MacTamhais was Taus(phonetically Tavis).'m not sure if Taus (Tavis) actually translates to Thomas or if that's just the Christian name assigned to the Gaelic name, I know Tammas is the lowland Scot form of Thomas.
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Yeah, I don't mind about the meaning to much either, I was just interessted if it's the same name. Tavish is nice too.
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