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Re: Somerled
in reply to a message by Bex
1. What do you think of Somerled?
Uhm...hmmm...kinda sounds like "summer-led", which I don't really like the sound of.2. Does it go well with Theodora?
I don't really have an opinion, cuz neither of those are really my style. (I saw your pics of Theodora, though, and she's lovely! Just don't care for the name...)3. What middle name would you pair with Somerled _______ Stewart Arnold
If I had to choose, I'd probably go with Somerled Calvin Stewart Arnold. I really love Calvin!4. Do you think Somer is cute on a boy?
Nah...if his voice was high enough, say, on the phone, and he said his name was "Somer", I think people would assume he's female (Summer), so not a fan.Vote on my brand-new PNLs!
Top 5 boys: Liam, Aidan, Jackson, Spencer, Connor
Top 5 girls: Sarah, Riley, Anna, Hazel, Brynn

This message was edited 10/29/2016, 4:40 AM

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