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Re: Somerled
in reply to a message by Bex
1. What do you think of Somerled?
Not sure, tbh. It's interesting and different, but it's not just an unusual name, but one most people have never heard of at all, so it might feel uncomfortable to bear - he's going to get a lot of mystified responses when he says it, probably more so as it sounds like a phrase. It is extremely unusual even in Scotland - hardly any living bearers.2. Does it go well with Theodora?
Well, they're the same length!3. What middle name would you pair with Somerled _______ Stewart Arnold
A family name, preferably not also Scottish to avoid overkill4. Do you think Somer is cute on a boy?
It's not terrible but everyone is going to assume female and Summer when they hear it, which might not be fun for him.
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