Why don't people like the name Donald
I understand but why exactly?
What people? There was a mildly famous duck, but I can ignore him easily. Donald has an energetic Scottish vibe which I find pleasing.
"Mildly famous" Er, what?
1) it's geeky
2) it's the name of a famous duck.
2) it's the name of a famous duck.
Pretty much what queenV said
Trump, ducks and McDonalds.
Plus, Donald just sounds like a really dated name. Not a name suitable for all ages. I strongly predict (as many others will as well) that the name will continue to decrease in popularity and soon enough leave the top 1000 all together. No loss there.
I have a very personal reason for not caring for this particular name and I'll just leave it at that
I much prefer Donovan myself. That name is exceedingly better
Trump, ducks and McDonalds.
Plus, Donald just sounds like a really dated name. Not a name suitable for all ages. I strongly predict (as many others will as well) that the name will continue to decrease in popularity and soon enough leave the top 1000 all together. No loss there.
I have a very personal reason for not caring for this particular name and I'll just leave it at that
I much prefer Donovan myself. That name is exceedingly better
Trump, Duck, and unhealthy hamburgers. (I actually like McDonald's--some items anyway--but still). Besides it just sounds dorky.
Disregarding the current Republican candidate,Donald is a fine name. Not much used, currently.
I had a cousin Donald. He was my Father's age, though, so I regarded him more as an uncle.
I had a cousin Donald. He was my Father's age, though, so I regarded him more as an uncle.
Well, currently I think Donald Trump is doing it a disservice.
I don't hate Donald, but as a Canadian it's a name I strongly associate with men of a certain age, and as such its fairly stereotypical of a certain image of Canadian's. Gord, Lorne, and Bob would fall into this category as well.
I think it's also because Donald is common of a generation younger than the current revival, similar to names like Barbara, it's the names of people who are having babies parents and grandparents, rather than their grandparents and great grandparents. Possibly the next generation will have a slew of little Donald's similar to the current revival of names like Sophia.
I also just generally find the nald sound ugly. I love the name Donal, but the O has a different sound in this name as well.
I don't hate Donald, but as a Canadian it's a name I strongly associate with men of a certain age, and as such its fairly stereotypical of a certain image of Canadian's. Gord, Lorne, and Bob would fall into this category as well.
I think it's also because Donald is common of a generation younger than the current revival, similar to names like Barbara, it's the names of people who are having babies parents and grandparents, rather than their grandparents and great grandparents. Possibly the next generation will have a slew of little Donald's similar to the current revival of names like Sophia.
I also just generally find the nald sound ugly. I love the name Donal, but the O has a different sound in this name as well.
In my opinion, I think the name will regain some popularity if Donald Trump does win the election. "Donald" actually means "ruler of the world", which is something to consider when thinking of Trump as a US president (the meaning might become prophetic). Donald was also my late grandfather's middle name.
Maybe people don't like Donald because they associate it with Donald Duck. I do, too.
Maybe people don't like Donald because they associate it with Donald Duck. I do, too.
It's goofy. Like a nerd before nerds became cute.