Re: Finnish BAs
in reply to a message by Remora L.
Some comments:
Allu Immanuel - Allu is too much of a nickname to stand on its own. Good to see Immanuel, but it would have needed a "stronger" first name to go with it.
Antto Verner, brother Ere Kasper - Antto Verner is nice. Seeing Antto & Ere together makes me think the parents have some kind of "leave one letter out" -theme going on (Antton & Jere).
Viima Veikko Tapani - But Viima is not a name :( I like Veikko Tapani though.
Aksel Eino - Like it.
Kauno Herman Tenho, brother Pentti - Kauno and Tenho are too much in the same combo. Their meanings are a bit too repetitive (like naming a child Sade Lumi - they don't mean the same thing, but are still somewhat close). I don't know how I feel about a little Pentti. I'm very torn.
Elle Amalia, sister Alma - I adore Amalia and Alma.
Hilma Lilja Annika - Like
Kerttu Linnea, brother Kasper - I like Kerttu. I didn't realise Kasper is *this* popular, it's like every other of these boys has Kasper either as first or middle name.
Sara Helmi Maria, brother Hugo - Lovely. Helmi Maria, brother Hugo, would be amazing.
(Noomi and Sebastian) - I love Noomi.
These were more boring than your BA lists usually are. Or maybe it's just me today. Pentti was interesting, though. I still haven't decided if I like it or really hate it! I wish I knew his middle name(s).
Allu Immanuel - Allu is too much of a nickname to stand on its own. Good to see Immanuel, but it would have needed a "stronger" first name to go with it.
Antto Verner, brother Ere Kasper - Antto Verner is nice. Seeing Antto & Ere together makes me think the parents have some kind of "leave one letter out" -theme going on (Antton & Jere).
Viima Veikko Tapani - But Viima is not a name :( I like Veikko Tapani though.
Aksel Eino - Like it.
Kauno Herman Tenho, brother Pentti - Kauno and Tenho are too much in the same combo. Their meanings are a bit too repetitive (like naming a child Sade Lumi - they don't mean the same thing, but are still somewhat close). I don't know how I feel about a little Pentti. I'm very torn.
Elle Amalia, sister Alma - I adore Amalia and Alma.
Hilma Lilja Annika - Like
Kerttu Linnea, brother Kasper - I like Kerttu. I didn't realise Kasper is *this* popular, it's like every other of these boys has Kasper either as first or middle name.
Sara Helmi Maria, brother Hugo - Lovely. Helmi Maria, brother Hugo, would be amazing.
(Noomi and Sebastian) - I love Noomi.
These were more boring than your BA lists usually are. Or maybe it's just me today. Pentti was interesting, though. I still haven't decided if I like it or really hate it! I wish I knew his middle name(s).
I kind of agree with you: as I've done these lists, I've noticed repetitiveness in certain names. You mentioned the case of Kasper: I, on the other hand, was surprised about the amount of Ellens (+ one Elle) this time. Also, I think there is ALWAYS at least one Eemil, Emil or Eemeli on the boys' list.
I swooned a bit for little Pentti: it's not my favorite name or anything like that, but I like to see that kind of rare sights in BAs.
I swooned a bit for little Pentti: it's not my favorite name or anything like that, but I like to see that kind of rare sights in BAs.
This message was edited 9/4/2016, 2:35 AM