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Gaetano or Holden?
Which one would you choose? "And by the way, dearie, your punctuation sucks canal water!"
-The Ghost of Vivian Vance
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GaetanoHolden sounds silly, especially if your last name is also a first name, like Morgan, or something noun-like, e.g. Wood.
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GaetanoHolden sounds too surname
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Holden, I guess. Dislike both.
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If I had to name an heir of mine, I would say Gaetano. I have no clue what it means or where it's from, but it sounds better than Holden. Holden to me is an awkward, perhaps nerdy name, and one that seems... Not childish, but... Odd. It could work for a character in a story.
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In retrospect, Gaetano would be an easy name for American children to bully, because it has gay (well, technically gae) in it. That's kinda asking for it. I still like my choice, though.
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I'm going to go with Holden. Adding to Joiya's point about heritage, without Italian heritage and in an English speaking country, Gaetano at first looks like gelato. Then when you realise it's not, you also realise it begins with "gay"....
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Gaetano in a vacuumI prefer Gaetano as a name, but it would be weird on someone who wasn't Italian.
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GaetanoNot Holden because I didn't really like the character in Catcher in the Rye, and it's not really my style.
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Holden, though it was close ;-)
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Depends on your cultural heritage. I consider Gaetano a culture-specific choice. Probably because of the spelling. If you have no Italian heritage, it seems like an odd name. On the other hand, if you have Italian heritage - it's an edgy and awesome choice (and would win this round!).
For universal usability though - I would go with Holden. I am not even a fan of Holden either.
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Holden if I had to, because I'm American, and I don't even know what country Gaetano is from, so it would seem awfully pretentious. For the most part, I don't even attempt to judge foreign names, unless they have become assimilated into American culture. I kind of like Holden, anyway.
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