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Anna vs Annaliese (and alternative spellings)
which do you like better and why? best spelling of annaliese? I prefer with an a vs an e...but I think the e is the traditional way.
also, middle names are between these:
Christa Faye
Kaia Faye
Lara Fayeall 3 options have alot of meaning so, which would be your fave combo paired with anna/annaliese ? thanks muchly for any input
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Because I know how the German Anneliese is pronounced, I strongly dislike the 'liese' part of the name if the first part isn't spelled 'Anne.' I also think 'analyse/analyze' with the a in the spelling. At least it's not Analiese / Analise / Analyse / Analeese which I've seen quite a few times. I think that's just asking for trouble!Annalise looks like it will be pronounced the way it looks.Re: mns, I prefer Christa Faye just because I like it best and also, because I like the flow best when paired with Annalise.BTW, if this were me, if I were to pronounce the name ahn-uh-LEE-zuh, I'd spell it Anneliese. If I were to pronounce it an-uh-LEESE, then I'd spell it Annelise because it just looks intuitive to me. Then again, that's just me!Re: Anna, I've only known one person growing up with this name and she was called Annie. Most were Anne / Ann and there weren't many of them. My Anna is a teenager now and has never had another Anna in her classes. She has known more girls named Hannah -- although not too many of them either.
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Annaliese Anna's kinda overused
I like Anneliese best
Christa Faye

This message was edited 5/22/2016, 1:17 PM

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I like Anna. I like the fact that it is simple, easy to pronounce and translates well into almost any language. It also isn't as popular as you would think. I like Annaliese too, but it loses the simplicity of Anna. Whichever spelling you choose, people will spell it wrong, because there are too many alternatives. I personally like Anneliese best.I don't think Anna or Annaliese really go with any of those combos. For example, Anna Lara Faye runs together and makes it sound like one long name - Annalara Faye. The other two are the same. Anna Faye sounds nice without the other middle names.
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I like Anna. I like the fact that it is simple, easy to pronounce and translates well into almost any language. It also isn't as popular as you would think. I like Annaliese too, but it loses the simplicity of Anna. Whichever spelling you choose, people will spell it wrong, because there are too many alternatives. I personally like Anneliese best.I don't think Anna or Annaliese really go with any of those combos. For example, Anna Lara Faye runs together and makes it sound like one long name - Annalara Faye. The other two are the same. Anna Faye sounds nice without the other middle names.
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I prefer Annaliese to Anna. The Annaliese spelling is really busy looking to me and not intuitive. I prefer the look of Annelise personally. It's nicer to look at and easier to spell.I see further down that Anna has a lot of family significance for you though so I'd go with Annalise in that case.Annalise Kaia Faye
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Hi,I prefer Ann-e-liese or Ann-e-lis spelling together with your mn´s Kaia Faye-then as result Anneliese Kaia FayeOther hybrid forms/variants are Annebarbara, Annelene, Annerösli, Annebärbel, Annedore, Annegard, Annegret, Annekathrin, Annelie, Annelore, Annelotte, Annemarei, Annemargret, Annemarie, Annerose, Annetilde, AnnetraudMost common (senior generation) other hybrid forms are Lieselotte, Hannelore, Annalena, Hildegard, Heidelinde, Sieglinde, Brunhild & Kriemhild
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I prefer the spelling Annelise, but they all sound the same!Your mn choices all feature a two-syllable -a name, so I thing using Anna on its own as a fn would be too much. Stay with Annelise. Anyway, it's got more nn possibilities.Lara seems a sensible choice as a mn. I prefer the look and sound of Christa, but not enough to ever use it.
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It's my name (with the a spelling), but I shorten it to Anna, which I prefer. I like Christa Faye best as middle names.
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I prefer Anna, but I think Anneliese goes better with the middle names. My preference is Anneliese Lara Faye.
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I pronounce Anna and Anne differently, so the spelling makes a big difference to me.
I prefer Annaliese to Anna. The spelling, however, is Annalise. I looks prettier, more elegant. Anneliese or Annelise sounds different to me. As a combo, I like Annalise Christa Faye the best, though I'm not a fan of any of the middle names.
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I love Anna (due to a character association), but I don't think it flows well with any of your middle options. My preferred spelling is Anneliese. I think it looks better, the 'Annal' bit of Annaliese still bugs me.

This message was edited 5/22/2016, 12:14 AM

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I prefer simple Anna, but I don't think it flows well with any of your mn combos.I like the spelling Annalise. The "ie" always confuses me and since the name was originally a mashing of Anna and a variant of Lisa, so I'm not sure the spelling is critical anyway. Annalise Christa Faye and Annalise Kaia Faye both flow well. The "lise" and "la" in Annalise Lara Faye clash.
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Such a difficult name, IMO. Always looks like it has an extra letter, but which?
And so many different ways to say it. Anneliese seems nicer to me, but it's still not obvious to me how it's meant to be pronounced. Ah-na or An-na? Lees, Leez, Leesuh, Leezuh? I'd rather Ana-Lisa (if it's ah-na-), Anna-Lisa or Anne-Elise.Annaliese Kaia Faye is the best.
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I too prefer Annaliese to Anneliese, even though Anneliese is the original spelling. Annaliese Kaia Faye is my fave combo, as it has the best flow and sound.
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I like Annaliese better. Anna is used so often and I've heard it so much that I find it extremely boring. It strikes me as a filler name that people use when they can't think up something more interesting.Annaliese, though I prefer it spelled Annalise, I find to be much prettier and more interesting to look at and say. I also like the similar names Annabeth and Annalena, for the same reasons.
For a middle name combo, I like Kaia the best. When paired with Annali(e)se, Christa causes a hissing double S sound. Lara is okay, but I think Kaia flows the best.Hope I helped!
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very helpful, very articulated description if your reasonings, thank you!
it's nice to have "the other side' of anna me it's a name that honors 3 generations.. (my grandma, my mom, me) and I've only ever known one so it's a beautiful, fresh name to me.
I like the spelling annalise better too, I just worry pepole would read "analyze" lol
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