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Frey & Jem
I was looking for some inspiration, and I came across Frey and Jem. What do you think? Not together necessarily, just as individual names.Edit: maybe I should mention that the word fray isn't an issue with the name Frey, since English isn't our first language and nobody will make the association here.**Mommy to Myrtle Nola (22-10-2012) and Vance Paul Conrad (16-04-2015)****Expecting twins in July 2016**

This message was edited 5/16/2016, 2:27 AM

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I like Frey.If I heard Jem, I would assume it was Jim, and I know at least a dozen Jims...but I think it sounds okay, disregarding that.

This message was edited 5/16/2016, 10:39 PM

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I love them as nicknames but they seem a bit incomplete singularly. Not sure why since I love one-syllable names... but these just don't work as well. Though, Jem is kinda cute and reminiscent of Gem, Gemini. Frey makes me think you meant to say Freya, but I do like the sound a lot. I always thought that Linnea would be an awesome twin name as it is a twin flower.
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I like Frey in some way, but either Frei or Frej spelling.
It has a sound of nordic mystic style.
Jem has the look of a nn of Jeremy or James for me; here I would prefer/suggest you the FN Cem.Well, Frei/Frej & Cem could work together in this combination/ensemble, IMHO.
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The Late Lord Frey:, he's gross. As a SoI&F geek, I can't get behind it.Jem = To Kill a Mockingbird. Which isn't bad , but maybe a bit too precious.
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For Frey, my first thought is of the family from A Song of Ice and Fire, which if you are unfamiliar with is not a good association at all, and probably pretty widespread with the popularity of the show.
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I don't really care, to be honest. The show might be popular now (but I don't know anything about it), in a few years it'll be forgotten.
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I like Frej with this spelling. I'm not sure about Frey, but I guess it's alright.
Jem is alright as a nickname, but not a favorite.
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Not a fan of either Frey or Jem tbh. Neither appeals to me in look or sound.
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Frey's ok but nms, I really like Jem as a nn for Jeremy, not so much on its own.
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I adore both! Jem was on my list, but was nixxed by the hubby. And Frey just sounds lovely, it almost sounds vintage. Good luck :)
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I love Jem as a nickname, for either a boy or a girl. Jeremy nn Jem is on my short list. I wouldn't use it as a full name, but it works as a spunky nn. Jerome nn Jem would also work.With Frey, I just can't get past the word fray, and I don't find the sound attractive at all. Which is weird, because I love Freya and don't have either problem with it. Funny how much difference one little letter can make.
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One letter can make a lot of difference.
Since English isn't our first language, the word fray isn't an issue for us.
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