BA of a Friend
Thank you to those who gave suggestions for a sibling to James Michael. My friend ended up naming her son Samuel Patrick. Less boring than James Michael in my opinion, but definitely on the conservative end (which is no surprise since they are Catholic). I actually like it.
I love it! Whenever I see Patrick, I always think of the Spongebob character, but it's still a nice combo!
nice name. I'm puzzled, though, as to how being Catholic enters into it. I live in a community which is 90% Catholic, and people name their children on a wide spectrum of names.
I know a young family who named their son Neptune Blue.
I know a young family who named their son Neptune Blue.
They are both very handsome names. James is everywhere, and kind of boring but I certainly understand the appeal.
I have always liked Samuel, and Samuel Patrick is a nice combo.
I have always liked Samuel, and Samuel Patrick is a nice combo.
I really like it :) sounds really nice also congratulations to your friends!
What a weird thing to say. I'm Catholic, and I don't think my children's names are particularly "on the conservative end".
Anyway, Samuel Patrick is fine. I don't find Samuel boring at all.
Anyway, Samuel Patrick is fine. I don't find Samuel boring at all.
Its kind of a conservative Catholic thing to name your kids with Biblical names and most choose fairly "boring" sort of names like Michael, John, Mary, Elizabeth, etc. Evangelical Christians tend to do the same thing. Its not saying ALL Catholics do that, just thats its not surprising.