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Which pronunciation/spelling do you like better?
My husband decided that he really likes Madeline so that is most likely going to be our little girl's name. My question is, I was going to pronounce it Mad-e-line (like Caroline) but a lot of people seem to think it's pronounced like Madelyn even with the Madeline spelling. Do you prefer,
Madeline (pron. Mad-e-line)
Madeline (pron. Mad-e-lyn)
Madeleine (the French spelling, pron. more like Mad-e-lehn)Thanks a lot! Also, do you think it matters if our first daughter's middle name is Caroline (and we use Madeline, rhyming with Caroline?) Or does that not matter since it's just her middle name?
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Mad-e-line and Madeleine.
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My fave is Madeleine (Mad-e-lehn).
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i like madeleine sp the best. and i dont think it matters since caroline is the mn.
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I love Mad-e-line. I love -line endings on names. It's the more unique pronounciation too, because most of the little Madelines I've heard of are pronounced Mad-e-lyn.Since your first daughter's mn is Caroline I don't think it matters. If it was her fn it might be a bit redundant.
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~~Counting down the days until I go to Spain~~
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All of the Madelines I've met lately (this spelling) have pronounced it as MAD-eh-lynn. I greatly dislike the Madelyn (etc.) spellings, but I like Madeleine. If pronouncing it MAD-eh-line, it makes most sense to spelled it Madeline, but I'm afraid you'll be correcting the pronunciation quite a bit either way. :-/The Caroline / Madeline thing does bother me a little, but if you like both names and it doesn't bother you, you should go for it. It's not both of their fn's (or both of their mn's, for that matter) so it's not as big a deal. :b
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I like the name Madeline and when I saw it I didn't think Madelyn. I also like the name Adeline which is my fiance's new baby sisters name. The Madeline and Caroline thing is no big deal at all. However, my friends name is Miranda Amanda Alexandra! I like the names on their own, but as a whole name, yikes!
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It comes out Mad-e-line with me same as Care-o-line. My accent is a little southern (I lived in Louisiana til I was 11yrs old) so theres no changing how its pronounced with me. I like it best pronounced like that too. If it ends in 'line' then it should be pronounced 'line' imo. I do like this name by the way. :) ~Arie~
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People will also try to tell you that Caroline is pronounced Carolyn. *Eye roll.* Madelyn is so much trendier, commoner, and more American than Madeline. Stick with Madeline, please!Madeleine is certainly interesting. If it were my daughter and I had to choose between Madelyn, Madeline, and Madeleine, I would probably choose Madeleine because it's so different. I like it. What do you think of Maddalena ("mah-dah-LAY-nah"), the Italian form? I just looooove it, which many Os!!! :)The Caroline/Madeline thing is not a problem at all. I think it's really neat, actually.
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Madeleine pron. mad-e-lehn
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Madeline (Mad-e-lyn)I like Mad-e-lyn best. I like them all, but this one's my favorite. I wouldn't really use it though, simply because I have a VERY VERY rotten after-taste (pardon the stupid metaphor) because of an acquaintance I had named Madeleine. But I like it, if I forget about the acquaintance.
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MadeleineThat is a beautiful pronnunciation and spelling. And just a downright beautiful name!Ned Flat: Why are you acting like this?
Yakko: We're not acting. We really are like this.
Dracula: I am Count Dracula!
Yakko: Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?
Yakko: Well it's that time again!
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
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I prefer it Madeleine (the French spelling, pron. more like Mad-e-lehn)Actually (and this makes me feel a bit guilty but it's true) my most preferred form of the name is Madlen.Mad-eh-line with line as in Caroline seems unnatural to me, since I have never heard anyone pronounce it like that. It seems like she'd have to train everyone she met. Which wouldn't be a big deal.I don't think the rhyme would matter since Caroline is a middle.- chazda
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I prefer Madeline pro. Mad-e-lyn.
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When I see Madeline I think of Caroline. My stepsister's daughter's name is Madelynn..and it's pronounced just like it's spelled. I think you should spell it Madeline....I don't think your other daughter having a middle name that rhymes with Madeline will be an issue. Good Luck!!
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I ONLY like it said MadeLINE, which I love. Madelyn bugs me, the pronouciation and especially the spelling.Madeline is the best spelling for that pron'n, IMO. Madelyn looks trashy and tryndee. Madeleine is gorgeous, but probably won't get said the way you want it.I think it's fine to have _____ Caroline and Madeline _____. I don't think I'd really notice it, and it's not like you're doing it to be kyoot. Also, it's just her middle name, and it doesn't rhyme to that extent.
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I'd call her Madeline with the pronunciation mad - e - line. I always pronounce it that way. I don't see how you could pronounce it any other way since it has LINE in it.Madeline is fine with Caroline, imo.
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I like Madeline(mad-e-lyn)
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Oooh, I love Madeline, any pronunciation! I don't think you should change your mind because you think people will mispronounce it, though, go with what you love! I think I like Madeline pronounced your way best, then the French way, and lastly (though I like it) Mad-e-lyn. I don't think it matters at all that your daughter's mn is Caroline and rhymes with Madeline, because not that many people are going to know her mn anyway. Also, what are you planning on using as a middle name for Madeline, and what is your daughter's fn? I'm just curious, because from the names you like in this post, you have very nice taste.
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thanks lulu... our first daughter's name is Grace Caroline. So I wondered if Caroline rhyming with Madeline sounded funny... though I guess you don't use middle names that much.We were thinking maybe Anne for the middle name but aren't set on it. But, I would like to use a family name/name with some sort of meaning for the middle name and Anne is all we can think of (my daughter's middle name is after my mom.)
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Madeline (prn. Mad-e-line) is definitely my favorite.I don't think it Madeline rhyming with Caroline would be a big deal if that's not what she is going to be called.
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Madeline for spelling and prn.

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I like Mad-e-line more, I don't think it matters that it rhymes with your other daughter's middle name. But if most people will pronounce it the other way your daughter might spend her life correcting people which is really annoying.
good luck
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1. Madeline (pr. mad-e-LIEN)
2. I'd only really disapprove if Caroline was your other daughter's first name. If it's only her mn, I don't mind it.
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I prefer Madeleine, but I would advise against it if you're in an English speaking country. Then Madeline (the -line pron.), if you are in an English speaking country I think you could also use Madeleine, pron. with -line. I don't think Caroline matters because it's her mn.
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet

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I like either Madeline (mad-a-line)* or Madeleine (mad-a-lin).I know Madeleine is a French name and pronounced "mad-a-lehn" as you have it. But I Madeleine Carroll, 1930's actress, pronounces it as "mad-a-lin" and I've always assumed this was the British pronunciation. Does that make sense?
* But not if your dd is Caroline.
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My personal preference is Madeleine, pronounced MAD-uh-layne. I wouldn't use Caroline, it's too rhymey imho.
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