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My friend's sister had her first child the other day, a girl they named Annie Marie. I think it's cute! The dad wanted Ann Marie, after the mother (whose middle name is Ann), but mom said "No, Annie only". Ann Marie called Annie would have been so sweet too. But still, I really like Annie.
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I think its pretty adorable, however I'm not sure how well Annie ages.
I have a friend, who is 20 like myself, who was legally born Annie Marie but hates it and by the time she was 16 was actually using the name 'Anna'. I'm not sure if she found it too much of nickname or what not. I guess it just depends.
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Annie is gorgeous, I do really like this name a lot. Marie is a boring mn imo, but I see why they went with it.
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It's sweet!
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I've recently met an Annie who is awesome and making me like the name. :) I think I would still much prefer it as a nickname, though. Except that in this case, I really don't like Ann Marie.
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It's cutesy, but not overbearingly sweet. It feel old-timey in a sunshine and roses type way. Big fan of Annie.Wish Marie was in the first name slot because I adore it as a first, but it's decidedly lovely as is.
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Annie Marie! How sunny, how rosy! (Watch her grow up to be a raging nihilist.)
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I don't think the flow is great, but I find it sweet. I love Annie. I'd totally use it if my name weren't Anna. I'm happy to see it used.
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Hi !!!!Congratulation to your friend!!!!!Annie Marie...
When I was younger I liked Annie because of a minor but good character in "The Silver Skates".
But now I dislike how it sounds because of its double n and final -ie.Marie is quite boring in my opinion.
It is a very filler name.But is her grandmother is named Ann Marie...
It is a wonderful way to homage her.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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I think that is adorable! Normally I wouldn't like Annie as a first name but with Marie that is awesome. Congrats to your friend!
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