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A couple we are friends with have just welcomed a baby girl and have named her Dulcie April Rose. WDYT? Though not really my style I do like that they have chosen something a bit different.
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Nice, I don't mind it at all.
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A Dulcie in this day and age?!? Yikes! I don't like it. And harsh old Dulcie doesn't go at all with sweet innocent April Rose.
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I like it it's very modern and cool
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Hi !!!Dulcie April Rose?
It is so sweet!!!!Yes, it is a bit "childish, little-pink-princess" as said RoxStar...But I think that it is better than other names!
I love all names on their own..
And if she is called Dulcie is perfect!!I prefer these kind of combos instead of variant names that you can't pronounce!!It is so delicate!Congratulation to your friend!!!Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This message was edited 4/6/2016, 12:20 PM

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Dulcie has always sounded like a horse's name to me, and Dulcie April Rose sounds like a pedigreed filly some rich horsey little girl gets for her 11th birthday.
Either that or a fabric softener.
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