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What do you think of the male name NAVARRE? What image pops into your head? Tall, short, dark, blond, mysterious or jovial... please pair w/ MNs
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I know a guyHis name is Nevarre. No clue why it's spelled with an e. The first time I heard his name I thought he was surely black. He turned out to be one of the whitest guys I've ever known - blond hair, tall, thin, wears a kilt on occasion. His MN is Micah for some reason. I have no clue what I'd use for a MN. I think Navarre has a pleasant sound, although the images that run through my mind are incongruous...Nevarre, a black guy, Spain, Menard's...
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Tallish, blond, very good-looking, deeply boring, horrible family background, potential for mild violence that he would afterwards regret but probably repeat.
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hnmm , interesting. I like it. Although I picture Navarre as mixed race - Like black, Indian & Hispanic. But good on the family & character profile. Any MNs?
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Probably would choose something really dated-mainstream to balance Navarre! Which is unlikely to be a family name ... so let's hear it for Grandpa Reginald or Uncle Trevor or third-cousin-twice-removed Kenneth. Navarre Edwin Lee, perhaps? Lots of good stuff out there.
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