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Re: Gabriel
It's much more heroic/angelic than your other favorites. Less human? haha
I like the name Gabriel more than I like most names I'd put in its category. Gabe is cool. I wouldn't say Gabrielle in a way that would lead to nn Gabe, though - she'd be a Gaby. I'd call a son Gabriel "Gabe" regardless of the cousin.I wouldn't find it weird to know a family with the same sib names. Unless they were super rare, which they're not. It's just a coincidence, nothing more to think about, no need to make it awkward.- mirfak
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I'm not really sure how they pronounce Gabrielle to get Gabe. I had her on my FB. I do like Gabe but X won't use it.
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They may pronounce Gabrielle and Gabe differently. I went to high school with a girl named Gabrielle. It was pronounced the French way as her surname was French, however, her nn was the typically American Gabe. I recall thinking what a waste it all was, lol.
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