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I keep coming back to Felix.. it's one of husbands favourite names and my grandmother has said that she also loves it.I also love it, but fear the popularity of it. I taught two at one of the schools I work at last year (both 16 year olds) and the school does have a lot of hippy/yuppy/hipster parents so names like Lotus, Finnegan, Jasper and Bear are pretty standard for the teens.
Should I let the popularity of a name bring it down? My husband and I both have very common names and whilst I actually didn't have anyone that shared my name in primary school and only one in high school, as an adult I have quite a few friends with the same name, the same with my husband. So popularity does bother me quite a bit.So my question:
1) Felix was ranked 86 in 2014 in Australia, do you think this will go up?2) Do you think i'm being silly about popularity?3) Does Felix work with any of these potential siblings?
Wilfred, Rufus, Daphne, Theodora, Winifred4) Does Felix Stewart clash?
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I love Felix, it's always been one of my favourites. Myrtle would probably be named Felix if she'd been a boy. But then my husband didn't seem to like it as much anymore, so it was off the table with our second child.1) I don't know2) Personally I don't care that much about the popularity of a name. We did cross Noah off our list because it was too popular though, but that was a top 5 name. Anything below the top 20 wouldn't worry me.3) I think Felix works just fine with the other names. Especially Rufus.4) It doesn't clash at all, I like it.
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1) Felix was ranked 86 in 2014 in Australia, do you think this will go up? I don't know about Australia, but it's definitely been gaining popularity in the US, so I guess it's possible.2) Do you think I'm being silly about popularity? Popularity doesn't really bug me that much, but I know it does some people. It's really up to you.3) Does Felix work with any of these potential siblings?
Wilfred, Rufus, Daphne, Theodora, Winifred
I think it sounds nice with most of those, especially Daphne and Winifred.4) Does Felix Stewart clash? I don't think so.My dog's name is actually Felix, so I would probably never use it, but I do think it's nice.
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I don't have good reference for Australian popularity. But I will say, two teenaged Felixes would not alarm me about popularity especially given they were at separate schools. I wouldn't call you silly though. Everyone has their own thresholds for what bother them. I think Felix sounds very nice with all of your potential names. Felix Stewart runs together a tad, but makes a good combo with your surname.
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1) I can't really answer this with a lot of confidence, since I'm not Australian.2) No - I wouldn't want to give my kid a name where he / she was one of three in their same class, either. But it's a little weird for me to see Felix being described as "popular," since in my neck of the woods (midwestern U.S.), one of my coworkers is named Felix and whenever a caller needs to speak to him and I tell them his name, they often act as if they've never heard the name before (I often have to spell it twice or more).3) Felix looks a little weird next to Theodora, imo; but with the others he fits in just fine.4) Yes.
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1) Felix was ranked 86 in 2014 in Australia, do you think this will go up?
Probably. I know a little Aussie Felix.2) Do you think i'm being silly about popularity?
Yes. :) Doesn't matter if you really like it. He'll be the only one of him, whatever his name is.3) Does Felix work with any of these potential siblings?
Wilfred, Rufus, Daphne, Theodora, Winifred
Yes, all of them4) Does Felix Stewart clash?
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I like Felix myself.1) No idea.2) No, I also dislike too popular names. But I can't gage how popular Felix is or will become. 86 is still pretty comfortable.3) Yes4) A bit. It's not awful but seems a bit clunky.
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Yes it will go up.You're being silly about popularity, absolutely. It could hit top 10 (but almost certainly won't) and you'd just be gratified that you got to it early. It won't bother you.Yes it works with the sibs.Felix Stewart is not bad. It's kind of cool actually. You think the x runs into the S but the St saves it, somehow.You didn't ask but I want to say that I dislike the name a lot.

This message was edited 1/19/2016, 1:16 AM

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1. I don't know much about trends in Australia. In the US it's not that common, though as you said, it seems most popular with yuppy/hipster parents.2. Sort of, if you love the name. Being #86 isn't so popular that it would cause problems imo. My name was #44 when I was born, and it's gotten more popular since, but I didn't know any other people with it while I was in school, and I still don't know any personally.3. I think it fits right in with Rufus and Daphne; maybe also with Theodora and Winifred, but it would seem odd with Wilfred.4. Possibly, but I'm not a fan of Stewart to begin with, so I'm biased.
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1. If people like Felix enough, then yeah. I live in the US, and I don't know a lot of guys named Felix.2. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. I tend to go for names that aren't very popular, like Marcia or Lewis.3. Felix and Wilfred, yes. Felix and Rufus, maybe. Felix and Daphne, yes. Felix and Theodora, no. Felix and Winifred, maybe.4. Felix Stewart does seem to clash to me. Maybe go for Felix Samuel instead.
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DH and I also absolutely love the name Felix. We were set on using it at one stage with DS2, but had a few options in mind and when DS2 was born, he was absolutely a Jethro! If we were to have a third DS, he will without a doubt be Felix, we still love it soooo much! I keep my eye on the popularity of names too, obviously, and apparently it was 89 last year so it has dropped a few places. It has definitely got more popular over the last few years, but I don't think its popularity will explode. If you both really love it, then use it. It definitely isn't too popular to use. It's not like it's even in the Top 30, so I really wouldn't worry. I think Felix and Rufus would be ADORABLE for brothers!! I would be so excited to meet brothers with these names! I also love the sound of Felix and Daphne. Both Rufus and Daphne are names I would consider using myself, so I may have some bias towards them! I think Felix Stewert is a little lispy, but not enough to worry about. On a side note, are you guys going to find out the gender before birth or wait? I actually think it's easier knowing, as far as names go, because you know which gender you need to focus on for names and it takes some pressure off.
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Yes, we find out on the 22nd of February! I tried to find out the sex at our 12 week scan but we were actually a bit behind so turtle was 11 weeks 2 days instead of 12 weeks 1 day! :(We are desperate to find out. Husband just wants to know, but I really want to know because I really really want a boy and I think I need a bit of time to adjust if we find out that turtles a girl. (I'm 100% sure turtles a girl, but I am still wanting it to be a boy so much!)Also, if it's a boy it will literally take us the next 6 months to decide on a name. We really only have 3 girls names, so that's not a problem.
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That's so exciting! Besides the initial excitement of finding out you are expecting, finding out the gender at the scan is right up there! It's such a fun moment! You will be right either way. Being a parent is such an amazing journey. Make sure you let us all know, I'm busting to know! :)
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I'm sending you BOY VIBES. hehe
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1. Hard to say. I've never met one here in the US, of any age, but from what I can tell from the newspapers, TV, etc, it's most popular among Hispanics, and with hipsters on message boards.
2. Yes. I've got a very uncommon name, and only ever knew one other Starla, and that was a little troll on this very board years and years ago and for all I know it might not be her real name. It didn't make a bit of difference in my life if I had been one of three Starlas in my class or never met one at all. It really is not that important. You're so hung up on will this name get popular, will my child not be the only one in school to have this super-special unique name, that you're discounting names you truly love.
3. Felix and Rufus sound like a cat and a dog. Felix and Daphne sound most like siblings, but even they sound like fluffy pampered cats.
4. Not really.
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