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Jovi / Jovie
What are your thoughts on this name for a girl?
Which spelling do you prefer?
Is it too "Jon Bon Jovi" or usable anyway?I quite like the sound of it and the thought it could come from the word jovial.
Ok, let me have it!
Thanks.Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul (Since July 4th 2009)
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Jasper Emmanuel (Since August 6th 2010)
Jethro Zion (Since August 13th 2014)
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Jovie. I love elf. No, it's not unusable. I think it would only be unusable is you're a fan of Bon Jovi or elf.

This message was edited 1/7/2016, 9:29 AM

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It calls to mind torn-up jeans, huge hair and Hyper Color shirts. Bon Jovi groupie unexpectedly finds herself pregnant and thinks there's nothing cuter than naming the baby Jovi. Estimated due date, January 25, 1989.
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It's a cute name but not really my style. I prefer the spelling Jovie. That makes it much less "Bon Jovi" for me.
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Jovi is too Bon Jovi for me, but Jovie isn't. I only make the connection when I see it written, I've been thinking of Jovie lately and didn't even think of the connection till your post now. I like Jovie. It's sweet and cheerful. I'd consider finding a full name, but I think to J sound is strong enough that it can also stand on its own if there's no full name you like for it. (Unlike say Ellie, or Emmy, which I find too cutesy to be full names)Thumbs up to Jovie.
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It's way better than a lot of girl names (Kaylee? Emersyn?). I think it's neat. I even think it is better than Nova by a significant margin. I would spell it Jovie because it just looks more complete, more modern, and more exotic ... and less Jon Bon Jovi. It does slightly remind me of Jove. But I guess jovial comes from that. You could go for something that looks more formal as a full name - Joviane maybe, or even just Jovia.
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Oh I like your suggestions of Jove and Jovia. I also like Jovie.
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I think it's cute. I don't really like it as a full name, because it's too cute and it feels like it needs more behind it. I like the Josephine suggestion someone made or Jovial would make a really neat virtue-ish name (not a virtue, but not sure how to describe it).I definitely don't think it is too Jon Non Jovi. Maybe I am weird, but I didn't even think of it til you mentioned it.
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Not really a fan all I can think of is Bon Jovi
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I like Jovi. It's cute. I don't think I would use it as a full first name, a nickname maybe. I'm blanking on potential first names though. But I do like it a lot. Maybe Josephine?
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It is way too Jon Bon Jovi for me.
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It's cute. The Jon Bon Jovi association doesn't bother me because I'm from New Jersey. It would make me more likely to use it.
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