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in reply to a message by Bex
Yuck, yuck, yuck, hate it. I can't stand this name at all. It's ugly, dated and easily makes me envision not just an elderly woman, but a disgruntled and sinister one at that. I'm relieved the name isn't on the charts; if it ever was at all. (I don't really care) plus, its just really harsh sounding.
I'll say about the same thing for 'Hilda' only, I don't necessarily see an ill-tempered woman. I just find it ugly, outdated and one of those names people use just for a gag (a name people easily laugh hysterically over)
Daphne, Winifred & Theodora aren't superb but they are unmistakably better than 'Blythe' & 'Hilda'
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