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BA and Help with a twin name...
BA: born over the weekend... Theo Ford, bQuestion:
My cousin and his wife are having twin boys (identical!). They have decided on the name Jake for one of the boys, and want an alliterative theme. So, I am looking for your best suggestions on another J-name to match Jake. They were going to go with Jackson, but a friend of theirs just had a little Jackson, so the name is off the table. BTW, for those of you not crazy about matchy twin names, I am right with you. But this is the theme they chose, so I'm going with it. ______________________________________________
"How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment before starting to improve upon the world." -Ann Frank
Mama to my "bright star" Clarisse Bituin and Wife to Julius. Mahal na mahal from our little family to yours!
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Is he going to be Jacob called Jake (I hope so, a bit. :) ).Julian
That's really all I've got.
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Jake and James? If th ey like alliteration, perhaps they're also into synonyms!All the James nns would work too, if they actually intend to use Jake and not Jacob, nn Jake. I'd go for Jacob and James, except I wouldn't ...Theo Ford is pleasingly quirky!
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First, I think of all the twin name themes you could have, alliterative is one of the least annoying (this coming from someone who loves so many A names I could easily end up with alliterative twins by accident, just by using my next two favourite names.That being said, I don't like the idea of passing up a name you love just to fit a theme, or limiting yourself if you don't love any thing else with that letter.Secondly, I'm really bass at J names so I don't have many ideas, but maybe:
Jake & Josh (Jacob & Joshua?)
Jake & Joel
Jacob & Jonah
Jake & Judson
Jake & Jamie
Jacob & Jasper
Jake & Jet
Jacob & Jeremy
Jacob & Jeffrey
Jake & Jarvis
Jacob & Jameson / JamisonThat's a tough one. Jacob is definitely easier to pair up.
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What about: Jake and Jed
Jake and John
Jake and Joseph
Jake and Joshua
Jake and Jesse
Jake and Jordan
Jake and Jasper
Jake and Jethro
Jake and Jude
Jake and Judah
Jake and Jonah
Jake and JonasJust as long as they don't go with Jake and Jack! That would be silly! Jake and Jesse is my fave.
Theo Ford is quite nice, it has a strong sound.
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I like Jesse with Jake too.
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Jake and Josh?
Jake and John?
Jake and Jeremy?
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Jake & Jackson are decent, practical and solid names. Nothing wrong with them. However for a sibling set, its just really silly. Jake & Jack? Why would they even consider that?? LolJack & jimmy
Jack & Jeremy
Jack & Johnnie
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Jake and Josh?
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I would like Theodore Ford with NN Theo better than just Theo Ford. Looks and sounds better IMO.Jake and Jeffrey
Jake and Josh
Jake and Jordan
Jake and Justin
Jake and Joey
Jake and Joel
Jake and Jesse/Jessie/Jess
Jake and Jeremy
Jake and Jude
Jake and Jonah
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First, I wanted to share a thought. With many popular names, I hear people saying they can't use them because so-and-so had a child and chose this name. While I can understand, I don't think it's terrible. If you really like a name, and it's in the top 100 (you are not using, say, Persephone a month after your cousin used it) I don't think it's a big deal.Lots of baby Jacksons out there.
So, my first recommendation would be go with Jackson if you like the name.
Anyway, I could see Jake and Josh, or Jake and Jonah. I like Joaquin but it's not in the same popularity bracket so probably not the best match.
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I get what you are saying. From what I believe, the mom-to-be is really close friends with the mother of Jackson, who was just born last week. Since she is due with the twins next month, she was uncomfortable using a name for her son when it was highly likely her son would be friends with and around the other Jackson a lot. I am totally for using names that others have used. But, not if I am really close with the family or actually related to them.
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Since Jake is so short, I would go with a longer name for the second one. For example, I know identical twins called Jack and Josh and it's a bit sing-songy.Jake and Jonathan
Jake and Jason
Jake and Julian
Jake and Justin
Jake and Joseph
Jake and Jenson
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Theo Ford sounds like a child mispronouncing Theodore. Can't say that I care for the combo, though either name could've been cute individually.
I'm glad that they can't use Jackson, honestly. Jake and Jack? Augh!Jerome
Jefferson (I mean, since Jackson is out...)
Justus (?)I was going to suggest Julius, but then I remembered that that's your husband's name.
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I like Justus a lot. I had Justus Vance on my short list before babies were a reality for me. I doubt they would use it though. Jake and Jubal would actually be pretty cool though.
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Pretty sure it's just Jake. That is what my cousin kept saying. Jacob is a possibility (and one I prefer), but I can't guarantee it. Feel free to match either Jake or Jacob.
(Joel, Jonah and Jonas seem great for them, btw!)
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