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Re: WDYTO Annabeth?
in reply to a message by Aine
I like Anna, however I don't tend to like Annabel, Annabeth, Annaanything. Now, that being said I love double names with Anna or Anne as the first name... Anna Catherine, Anna Elizabeth, Anne-Marie, Anne-Claire, Anne-Alix, etc. I know. It doesn't make any sense. There just seems something frilly, contrived (aren't all names really, though?) to me when it is stuck together like that.I could see Anna as a sister to Edith or Margaret, but I have a hard time seeing Annabeth. It is just different stylistically.Annie and Betty would be my nicknames though. I just love the old school, retro feel of them.However, middle names are hard. :)Annabeth Louise
Annabeth Olivia
Annabeth Emily
Annabeth Camille
Annabeth Fern
Annabeth Willow
Annabeth June
Annabeth Charlotte
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