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Re: Top Ten for March
1) Xanthe
2) Sylvie
3) Avielle
4) Sonnet
5) Afton
6) Alaia
7) Geneva
8) Elodie
9) Vivienne
10) Emmelise1) Griffin
2) Oscar
3) Grover
4) August
5) Deacon
6) Ezra
7) Boston
8) Felix
9) Schuyler
10) Hudson
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Sonnet! Gosh, I wish I had the guts to use that name in person. I just love it so. Your list is quite pretty for girls. All of the names are just very feminine and light to me. Elodie and Vivienne are also favorites of mine, and I definately appreciate the spunkiness of Xanthe and the softness of Avielle too. Your boy's list is a little more michevious than the girls, and I like that. Griffin, Grover and Felix have such a great life in them that I would love to meet one in real life.
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I'm not sure whether I'll have the guts to use it in person either. We'll see! I think it's a spunky and sweet word name with a beautiful origin (little song? aww!) Thanks! I'm a little bit addicted to French girls names so thats probably a big part of it. And spunkiness is the exact thing that Xanthe brings to my mind too so thats perfect.My boy list I think has two distinct styles (where as my girl list is all over the place!) There's the grumpy old man list (Grover, Felix, Oscar, August) and there's the trendy modern list (Griffin, Deacon, Boston, Hudson) with a few obscure and not so obscure biblical names thrown in for good measure (Ezra, Boaz, Zimri).I can't use Felix with Xanthe so don't count on me for that one, but Griffin and Grover are both definite possibilities! If I had a boy tomorrow, he'd be Griffin.
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Great list! I especially like Avielle, Griffin and Ezra
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