Re: My sister's having twins! (also, I'm back!)
in reply to a message by Bee123
Lorelei "Lori" - I like Lorelei but Lori kind of ruins it for me. It just screams middle-aged!
Wilhelmina "Billie" - I love Wilhelmina but not Billie as a nickname.
Clementine "Clem" - Clementine is cute. Clem isn't my favorite nickname. (See a trend? haha)
Jemima "Jem" - Jemima isn't a favorite because of associations that don't matter in England. Jem as a nn cheapens this name, imo.
January - Nope. Don't like it. Don't like January Jones either.
Azalea - It's kind interesting. I'm on the verge of liking it :)
Caroline - I like it :D But I was under the impression that it's terribly unstylish and dated in the UK.
Cosima - It's cool but just makes me think of Orphan Black and whatever disease the Cosima on that show has.
For the boy:
Jerome - it's an odd, unattractive name.
Albert - according to mumsnet this is getting trendy?
Montgomery "Monty" - sounds like a pervy old man.
Bartholomew "BartL - Bartl reminds me of Bartleby the Scrivener. I don't care for the name or the nn.
Winston - humorous.
Isaac - nice
Horace - Wow. I never thought I'd see someone wanting to name their child Horace!! It sounds kind of evil.
Theodore "Teddy"- Nice
Quentin - Meh. I don't really care for it but it's not offensive.
Gregory - I really like this and think it's underused!
Vincent - nice in full as long as nobody gets any ideas about Vinny or Vince!
Floyd - Ey yi yi. Please no, bee123's sister. Floyd just sounds like the name of an extremely dumb guy.
Roman - I never really got this name but the celebs who've used it have been touted as "having good taste."
Stanley "Stan" - It's like the quintessential old man name. Though imagining it on a fat little baby is pretty adorable. Imagine a baby named Stanley! haha. It could be cute.
Love her other children's names!

Wilhelmina "Billie" - I love Wilhelmina but not Billie as a nickname.
Clementine "Clem" - Clementine is cute. Clem isn't my favorite nickname. (See a trend? haha)
Jemima "Jem" - Jemima isn't a favorite because of associations that don't matter in England. Jem as a nn cheapens this name, imo.
January - Nope. Don't like it. Don't like January Jones either.
Azalea - It's kind interesting. I'm on the verge of liking it :)
Caroline - I like it :D But I was under the impression that it's terribly unstylish and dated in the UK.
Cosima - It's cool but just makes me think of Orphan Black and whatever disease the Cosima on that show has.
For the boy:
Jerome - it's an odd, unattractive name.
Albert - according to mumsnet this is getting trendy?
Montgomery "Monty" - sounds like a pervy old man.
Bartholomew "BartL - Bartl reminds me of Bartleby the Scrivener. I don't care for the name or the nn.
Winston - humorous.
Isaac - nice
Horace - Wow. I never thought I'd see someone wanting to name their child Horace!! It sounds kind of evil.
Theodore "Teddy"- Nice
Quentin - Meh. I don't really care for it but it's not offensive.
Gregory - I really like this and think it's underused!
Vincent - nice in full as long as nobody gets any ideas about Vinny or Vince!
Floyd - Ey yi yi. Please no, bee123's sister. Floyd just sounds like the name of an extremely dumb guy.
Roman - I never really got this name but the celebs who've used it have been touted as "having good taste."
Stanley "Stan" - It's like the quintessential old man name. Though imagining it on a fat little baby is pretty adorable. Imagine a baby named Stanley! haha. It could be cute.
Love her other children's names!