Just HAD to post this one: interesting twinset
I was reading the paper this morning and actually shook my head over this one.
Twin baby girls named Mali and Sierra-Leone.
Parents are white Australians, naturally.
Your thoughts?

Twin baby girls named Mali and Sierra-Leone.
Parents are white Australians, naturally.
Your thoughts?

First off, good for Thailand for criminalizing something so legally sketchy.
Secondly, they suck at naming babies.
Secondly, they suck at naming babies.
I guess I could see Mali as a nn for Malory, and Sierra is already a name, along with Leona, Leonie, etc.
I'm more upset about the families that are stuck in limbo because they can't take their surrogate children that they'd been planning on having home because of one family not wanting the boy with down's syndrome.
I'm more upset about the families that are stuck in limbo because they can't take their surrogate children that they'd been planning on having home because of one family not wanting the boy with down's syndrome.
Ok, that was pretty...bad. Especially when you think of the history of these coutries. Although Mali was once a prosperous kingdom and the Sierra Leonese (sp?) are said to be the most heart-warm and kind people, I still think about war, extremism and rebels chopping off people's limbs...
Mali and Sierra would have been cute but they took it too far. It seems really inappropriate to me.
Wow, how obnoxious.
I've been reading books by Liane Moriarity lately, set in Australia, and this sounds like something one of her characters would do.
In the US it'd be Cheyenne and Dakota. Lord.
I've been reading books by Liane Moriarity lately, set in Australia, and this sounds like something one of her characters would do.
In the US it'd be Cheyenne and Dakota. Lord.
Hmmm I can't decide how I feel. Just as names I think they're pretty. But with the association.. I don't know. But I guess I like the name India, and people also name their kids Africa so I guess this isn't any different. For some reason because it's twins and it's TWO African place names, it just seems a bit much.
If for nothing else these people deserve to be punched for giving their children such stupid insensitive names.
I like them...
Am I the only one? xD
I don't like Leone all that much and I don't like how its hyphenated but Mali is adorable. It's another Asian name (Thai) that's also a name in my native language. I really like it!
Sierra is Spanish (it says here) so okay they don't really match for origin but I love the sound of it!! It's cool. Like an awesome form of Sarah.
Am I the only one? xD
I don't like Leone all that much and I don't like how its hyphenated but Mali is adorable. It's another Asian name (Thai) that's also a name in my native language. I really like it!
Sierra is Spanish (it says here) so okay they don't really match for origin but I love the sound of it!! It's cool. Like an awesome form of Sarah.
I think that Sierra is just a Spanish word used as a name, starting in the US- just another word name.
Sierra is a Spanish surname (says the internet) so not another word-name the USA turned into a name. Another last-name-turned-first-name! :D
Then it's a geographical surname as well. http://www.spanishcentral.com/translate/sierra
I think most people won't like them because they're names of African countries, so it seems a little insensitive to use them. Although I do know a boy who has Mali as a middle name because a friend of his parents is from there.
They're countries as well? I didn't know (knowledge of African geography lacking!)
I guess I can see why people wouldn't like them cos of that.
But they aren't just countries and there's heaps of overlap with countries and names and things. Like it says here that Kenya is a Russian boy's name too.
Do people think all country/place names are insensitive? Like are India and Paris and China and Dakota and Sahara insensitive too?
I guess I can see why people wouldn't like them cos of that.
But they aren't just countries and there's heaps of overlap with countries and names and things. Like it says here that Kenya is a Russian boy's name too.
Do people think all country/place names are insensitive? Like are India and Paris and China and Dakota and Sahara insensitive too?
But not Paris because you're white British so Paris is okay? Or did you just not type it?
There has to be a rule to what's insensitive and what isn't and I'm trying to figure it out.
Now I know Dakota is actually the name of a Native American tribe and so is Cheyenne, so now I know that I'd say they were totally insensitive cos they're races of people. That's just really weird. ESPECIALLY if your race beat up on the people your naming your kid after.
I know if I met a white kid with my ethnicity as their name I'd be like "what... the hell?" :(
And it goes both ways cos I'd never name my kids English. Or French. That would just be crazy.
But I think places are more okay? Less insensitive I mean? Because a place is a place and not people. My brother has a white girlfriend named India and we never thought to be offended by it.
But if your country is having a war with the country you name your kid that probably is horribly insensitive.
There has to be a rule to what's insensitive and what isn't and I'm trying to figure it out.
Now I know Dakota is actually the name of a Native American tribe and so is Cheyenne, so now I know that I'd say they were totally insensitive cos they're races of people. That's just really weird. ESPECIALLY if your race beat up on the people your naming your kid after.
I know if I met a white kid with my ethnicity as their name I'd be like "what... the hell?" :(
And it goes both ways cos I'd never name my kids English. Or French. That would just be crazy.
But I think places are more okay? Less insensitive I mean? Because a place is a place and not people. My brother has a white girlfriend named India and we never thought to be offended by it.
But if your country is having a war with the country you name your kid that probably is horribly insensitive.
Well, if you think about it, white Europeans are the ones who colonised pretty much the entire globe and greatly mistreated its inhabitants, particularly those of different races. We still continue to oppress them and appropriate their culture to this day. But Paris was never a colonised place and the Parisians never oppressed, so I see it as different. I still think it's a silly name, but not as potentially insulting or disrespectful.
Can I ask what your ethnicity is? Out of curiosity - you might have a better stand point on this than I do, as, like I say, I'm white, so I can't really decide what is and isn't offensive to other cultures.
Can I ask what your ethnicity is? Out of curiosity - you might have a better stand point on this than I do, as, like I say, I'm white, so I can't really decide what is and isn't offensive to other cultures.
There's been some pretty high profile conflict in the countries the Australian children are named after in recent decades.
Ohh... I get why that mightn't be the best idea then.
Thanks for explaining :)
Thanks for explaining :)
Whenever I read stories like these, I wonder "Don't these people have family or friends willing to point out how stupid these names are?".
Not bad but not crazy for them.
I dont hate the names, just prefer other over them
I dont hate the names, just prefer other over them
Mali will always have to spell her name for people who assume it's Molly.
At least Sierra can try and keep her middle name a secret.
But that is so lame. Like white people who name their kids after every Indian tribe they can think of but the closest they've been to an actual real live Indian is at a craft fair, if it wasn't at a casino.
At least Sierra can try and keep her middle name a secret.
But that is so lame. Like white people who name their kids after every Indian tribe they can think of but the closest they've been to an actual real live Indian is at a craft fair, if it wasn't at a casino.
The closest I've ever been to a real live Indian was at a liquor store in Rapid City, South Dakota. It didn't make me want to name my kid Sioux.
Not in Australia. But I agree with you - the names are just vom.