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Re: Claudia
mah-TAY-ahKizzy is cute. Do you mind if I ask how old you are (or a range)? Just wondering if it will feel childish one day, or if it will be a lifelong nickname.
Three boys nappin', one mama namenerdin'
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Oh like that. Mah-TAY-ah. I really like this name :DNo it's okay. I'm almost 21. I guess it is kind of childish but I've been Kizzy since forever so it'd seem kinda weird to be like "you all have to call me Kezia now!!"
But maybe it'll feel too childish one day I dunno.
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If you like Kizzy, don't ever fel you have to give it up! I know one Kezia who is called Kez and Kezi. It seems to me that it would be an easier transition from Kezi to Kezia than from Kizzy to Kezia one day. Anyway, I love your name!Glad you like Mattea. The database here has Matea, but I like the two Ts.
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I guess I didn't ever really think about it much ^_^" I dunno why I'm Kizzy and not Kezi but they have Kizzy written as an English
variant here so I guess I can't be the only one. But in our accent you pronounce I and E vowels the same anyway so Kizzy and Kezi actually sound the same. Anyway thanks!!I think Mattea looks cool with two Ts as well :)
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