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Re: Pixie
I might suspect it's a name they had chosen themselves because it is too cool. I might even ask if they had changed their name to that, which is terribly rude I'm sure. But when a name is so flawlessly "cool", like self-aware cool, I always assume it's something that was chosen for oneself. Like when I first met my friend Skye I was positive she had chosen her own name as an adult because the combination of her first and last names was just too cool to be parentally bestowed. But in her case it really was her birth name and I was honestly surprised. Pixie is cute. It gives me a sort of counter-culture mid century feel, like Pepper and Dusty and Jinx do.
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I feel the same way - it feels self appointed. And does have the same feeling as Dusty and Pepper. It also reminds me a lot of this middle-aged lady I know of, who has purple hair and who's name is Bunny - I've always thought it seemed just a little too perfect to be her real name.
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