What do you think of the name Steven?
I never really liked it, but slowly it is starting to grow on me. Whether I will ever use it is an another question, but I am curious what other people think of the name.

I never really liked it, but slowly it is starting to grow on me. Whether I will ever use it is an another question, but I am curious what other people think of the name.

It makes me think of my cousin Stephen. I don't know him very well, but I'm "friends" with him on Facebook, and all of his posts make me think he is a total...well, I try not to use the sort of language for what I think of him. So...yeah. :\ I haven't really known any other guys by the name of Steven/Stephen.
I'd never use it. I dislike dumbing-down.
But I'd use Stephen without hesitation.
FWIW, my friend dithered between Mark Stephen and Stephen Mark for her son; she went with Mark Stephen but still regrets not choosing Stephen Mark - and her son is married and they're trying for a baby of their own. Maybe he'll be Stephen, if he's a he.
But I'd use Stephen without hesitation.
FWIW, my friend dithered between Mark Stephen and Stephen Mark for her son; she went with Mark Stephen but still regrets not choosing Stephen Mark - and her son is married and they're trying for a baby of their own. Maybe he'll be Stephen, if he's a he.
It is an attractive name despite it being 'boring'.
I love the spelling Stephen - it just seems more proper and handsome.
I love the spelling Stephen - it just seems more proper and handsome.
I like it. It's a very neutral name though. I think of it as kind of a "dad name", but I don't think it's really all that dated. It reminds me of names like Evan, Dave, Mike / Michael, Josh, and Robert. Some dated, some not. But none that sound too old or too young.
Steven has never been a favourite of mine. I don't hate it but I don't like it. It's more of a name I tolerate since it's a family name.
Dated. There were several Stevens, including my cousin, the grade ahead of me in school, so it will always be dated to me. Other than that, I think it's a good name.
I'd never call it a favorite, and I doubt I'd ever want to use it even for a middle name, but it's not at all a bad name.
I don't care for the name spelled Steven. It's too modern looking for me. But if it's spelled Stephen then that makes me think of King Stephen and his civil war with Queen Matilda / Maud in Norman England. And other historic Stephens across Europe. I know that seems silly, but associations are key for me in whether or not I like a name. Steven does nothing for me. About the best I'll say for it is that the nn Steve makes more sense than Stephe. [Just kidding. I would never, ever, advocate for "Stephe."]
I think Steven/Stephen are handsome... am never sure which spelling I prefer. Today I'm liking the look of Steven better. I don't like Steve at all though.
Meh, I think it's pretty boring. Steve is just your standard any-man name, like Dave or Mike. It's so neutral and could suit any bloke, which in a way is good but for me just means the name has no character.