I was just sitting here thinking about how much I hate the name Alicia. And, aside from realizing that I have too much time on my hands, I was wondering why I hate it so much, especially since it's so close to a name I find tolerable, Alice.
Is it the grating "lee" and "sha" sounds together? I don't know.
Anyway, what do you think of the name Alicia? If it weren't so dated to the 80s, I think it'd be very on trend right now with Sophia and Olivia, etc.

Is it the grating "lee" and "sha" sounds together? I don't know.
Anyway, what do you think of the name Alicia? If it weren't so dated to the 80s, I think it'd be very on trend right now with Sophia and Olivia, etc.

This message was edited 2/17/2014, 3:05 PM
I Hate Alicia. I've only met three but they've all been horrible. None worse than a girl I was forced to hang around for a long time. She and her creepy pedo-dad ugh. The name is now forever associated with dirty living, smelly fish, and dirty old men. Disgusting. And uh-lee-see-uh sounds like some pretentious wannabe.
One of the reasons why I don't like it is because I never know how someone wants it pronounced. ah-LEE-shah / ah-LISS-ee-ah / or something else?
I like Alice a lot more. But my favourite variation is Alyssa. I think it's pretty self explanatory when it comes to pronunciation, and I love the nicknames Lyssa and Lyssie.
I like Alice a lot more. But my favourite variation is Alyssa. I think it's pretty self explanatory when it comes to pronunciation, and I love the nicknames Lyssa and Lyssie.
I can't stand Alicia pronounced a-lee-sha. I 've heard a-lee-see-a too and I like that so much better.
Alicia ... that was the name of a childhood friend! I had forgotten. I think it's a pretty sounding name. Nice sounding, just not nice looking.
I just don't like the spelling. If it were correctly, naturally, classically spelled Alecia, Aletia, Alesha, or something, anything that didn't have that LIC with the LEES or LEESH pronunciation ... I'd like it a lot more. I think it fires my "delicious" neuron too much and so it seems sorta tonguey to me. Same deal with Alice. If it were spelled Alis or Alys, I would like it tons more.
I just don't like the spelling. If it were correctly, naturally, classically spelled Alecia, Aletia, Alesha, or something, anything that didn't have that LIC with the LEES or LEESH pronunciation ... I'd like it a lot more. I think it fires my "delicious" neuron too much and so it seems sorta tonguey to me. Same deal with Alice. If it were spelled Alis or Alys, I would like it tons more.
It doesn't annoy me, and it doesn't excite me. It's just... there . And for some reason, it reminds me of licorice.
I don't even have the problem, because I pronounce that Uh-lee-see-uh. :) I did know an A-lee-sha, and I liked the name a lot. Same thing with Marcia, for me. I don't get the Mar-sha from that. :\
This message was edited 2/17/2014, 4:58 PM
Uh-lee-see-uh is much prettier. I've never met anyone who pronounces it that way, unfortunately.
It's the Spanish pronunciation. :)